Been awhile
Well hello there! It’s been a long while since I last wrote. It’s hard to know where to begin; over the last year I got married, bought a house, started working for myself, and, as life goes — a million things happened in between.
On a similar note, I still can’t believe that TWO years ago I was still in New York, having no freakin idea what my life would shape out to be here. But I trusted I had to step into the unknown and open up myself to possibilities: the possibility I would walk into a bar and meet my future husband (true), the possibility we’d fill out a random contact form on Zillow and a week later be under contract for a house (TRUE), the possibility I could make the leap to working for myself, and find that intersection of work I enjoy, work I’m good at, and work that pays well (still working, but sure, true!). The possibility I could maybe even become an ultra-marathoner, a secret dream I’ve held tightly and silently to my bones (maybe true — race is in three days!).
If anything, this move to Colorado has taught me that stepping into the unknown can reap some wildly great benefits. I’m sure if I stayed in New York I would have figured out a different track; I could still be single in a 3 BR in Crown Heights, or maybe I would have returned to international development work and moved to East Africa. I’m sure I would have found joy in whatever track I chose.
But this track…this track feels pretty good. There’s a lot to reflect on and maybe even recap. My hope is I can chip away and do some of that. But for now I just wanted to say hi as I rest my tired yet tapered legs and fill my belly with salty foods. I’ve got a big dream I want to check off in a few days in one of my favorite places on the planet.