If I was training for a marathon like a normal person, 18 miles probably wouldn't be that big a deal.
If I was training for a marathon like a normal person, 18 miles probably wouldn't be that big a deal.
Nepal's beautiful landscape is also what makes it one of the most challenging and inaccessible places on earth.
It's my first time camping directly under the stars.
On injury, travel, and trying to stay present.
When it comes to running, I hate this quote: "Getting out of bed is the hardest part."
I hate it because it's not true.
I'm writing this on a Friday night after a 15 mile run. My legs are softly aching, a feeling that lingers a few hours after a long run. My eyes are exhausted, but my body is still buzzing. I'm worn but invigorated.
When the thing you love most (travel) has a phobia attached to it (flight).
I did something absurd this year. I read seven books in a row by a single author.
We were opposite people from opposite sides of the world.