And on the third day, I ate the best grape of my life.
And on the third day, I ate the best grape of my life.
"I belong to you?" This shit was going to be weird.
I recently returned home from my fifth trip to Nepal. How do I collect all of these ideas to accurately & respectfully paint a picture of what it's like?
We have more and more ways to communicate… but less and less to say.
People often ask me what goes through my mind when I'm on a plane. I typically refrain from going into detail because a) they would think I'm crazy and b) I would lose a lot of friends.
I woke up at 2:16am on Tuesday to my un-silenced phone blaring a New York Times news alert: David Bowie, the legendary musician, has died at 69.
The plane gently begins making its final descent. The pilot's calming words vibrate in my mind.
Every year around this time I take a look back at what's happened over the last 12 months. Where did I go and what did I do? Am I moving forward? Or are things staying the same?
I wake up at seven to a coffee grinder, to the surprise gift of sleeping through the night.